
To cut through the densest foam rubber, we use our skiver. With the ability to slice sheets of closed-cell and plastic foam as thin as 1/16" or as thick as 5", the skiver operates with a fixed, 3.3" wide and .04" thick horizontal blade. Rollers draw the foam through the blade, and are adjustable in height to dictate the thickness of the sheet being cut. This machine is incredibly powerful, as well as self-sharpening, due to the demands high-density materials place on a cutter.
The skiver can handle sheet widths up to 76", with no length limit. Some programming is required to set the thickness of the sheets, but not to the level of a CNC machine. Once the cutting begins, the blade does not move from its place. As it only cuts horizontally, products are often finished on other machines after sheets are created. The skiver produces high-density packaging, flotation devices, and sports matting.
Examples of products fabricated by this machine:
NOTE: Rough edges and markings will be cleaned for any and all finished products.