
Harnessing the power of water and the precision of programming, our waterjet cutter is a unique machine that produces products with an extreme level of detail. Pressurizing abrasive-free water at 50,000 psi creates a jet that travels at three times the speed of sound, able to slice through foam as much as 4" thick. For perspective, the cutter is able to slice through a 1/2" piece of plywood on our standard foam-cutting settings with a jet only .005" in diameter. After a design is programmed, the foam is placed on a bed of 7" corrugated plastic that breaks up the jet's powerful stream. The nozzle moves over the sheet, tracing the form’s outline with the water, cutting through the foam cleanly.
While the waterjet and the die cutter are both exceptionally precise machines, the waterjet cutter is more cost-efficient for short-run projects. While the time it takes to trace cuts can be measured in minutes, it only requires computer programming to make those cuts. Meanwhile, the die cutter can produce products in seconds with a single pressing, but takes requires significant lead time and additional expenses to produce the plates. The waterjet is most often used for short-run orders like prototypes, unique packaging, gaskets, and toys.
Examples of products fabricated by this machine:
NOTE: Rough edges and markings will be cleaned for any and all finished products.